What a day i used to see apple pie checking on his cholesterol just now. Do everyone knows or alert on this? i also not so much concern on this penyakit. Lets we google whats act cholesterol in our body.

Kekawan kita tak boleh malas membaca kerana ini macam vital ataupun important to make us more understand dan berhati hati. Tapi to lower kan highness of da choles kita bole cure kan melalui good diet and exercise. Jadi marilah sesama kita diet and bersenam. Jangan malas okay. Kalau tak reti berenang pun kita duduk jerlah dalam kolam tu ala ala nampak bersenam hahaha.

From my reading i was made to understand that choles is act lebihan lemak yang terdapat di dalam peredaran darah.Jadi jangan ingat this is very light issue tau. They gotten the dangers and we have to be more careful and care about this. 

Dangers of cholesterol:-

1) narrowing the arteries

2) coronary heart attack risk - abnormal supply the blood and oxygen to the jantung

3) heart attack - when its blocked

4)  chest pain - tak cukup darah supply

5)  heart and blood vessels

6) stroke - brain cells begin to die 

Cholesterol Levels: 

1) Optimum level - less than 5mmol/liter

2) Mildly high - between 5 to 6.4mmol/liter

3) Moderately high - between 6.5 to 7.8mmol/liter

4)  Very high - above 7.8mmol/liter

Now is sharing lets take a look.

 Firstly the pharmacist akan datang cucuk jarum to amik your blood

 Tangan tak reti duk diam!

Pastu darah kita akan dilekatkan kat atas tester to check the level of choles. Good Luck apple pie! Okay ada penurunan! 1 test costing us about RM10!

 Lepas check up kami terus menuju makan ini yoghurt hahaha! Baik takyah test!Dugaan takley nak elak peeps. Makan jer lah kan.
1311. Celeb Style : Kim Kardashian (04.06.2011)

Tara Jarmon top
€200 - tara-jarmon.placedestendances.com

Lanvin blazer
$1,649 - mytheresa.com

Victoria Beckham super skinny jeans
£108 - net-a-porter.com

Christian Louboutin high heels
$1,095 - net-a-porter.com

Balenciaga handbag
£925 - brownsfashion.com

Diamond engagement ring
$30 - fantasyjewelrybox.com

Just Bling diamond watch
$1,118 - endless.com

Mizuki diamond necklace
$1,305 - endless.com

Gucci aviator sunglasses
$295 - net-a-porter.com

Baru explore polyvore, hurm suka banget dong with this page. Thank you Misz Blogger I got this from you. Yes i can pilih whatever pieces that i want, drag into box and match kan. Rasa cam Princess je kalau my wardrobe macam nih. How i wish la kan korang?

So for today i choose Kim to be on my wall. Saya suka itu Jacket tapi aishhh sangat mahal whooo... Masih kena kerja kuat lagi to get this one.

Tapi takpe mari sesama ngendap kat ke Sg Wang mencari yang sebijik macam Kim pakai nih. Hahaha comfirm boleh afford to buy one. In FerrLulu pun i think i takde lagi collection baju yang sebijik macam nih. If i have an ample time, i will try to find and put this in our FerrLulu.
Orite! Owhcayss! Alright! Fine mum i m coming out from your tummy!!! See me mom? I dah grew so fast and i know you love me. Blurp perasan benor!!!! Hehehehe.

Source : Google Web

I WISH that this cutie ada during my intimate lunch tapi takde pun.

Closed friends texted me :-

" Hello i am so far from you but i will fly just to say Hepi Besday " - Gemok/Sponge Bob

" Wani Happy Birthday!!Take Care..(: " - Yo

" Semekom, happy birthday wani " - Kak Gee my tea lady

" Happy birthday dear. May your life be fulfilling n meaningful always " - Abang

" Mak cik morning, hehe bagi bunga by hand boleh ke or nak post jugak " - Aireen

" Happy birthday wani "- Kak Bintang

" Babe sory happy birthday may your year a loads of fun excitement and .... " - Zeeda

Julie bought this for me!

awat macam terpaksa je nih!

Remember that today many people are glad you were born .

Okay tak lepaskan peluang outing with my closed friend which is like a brother to me and we had our lunch together.

sorry tak mor la!

i requested this salmon!!!so craving!!!

 lama betul tunggu tau!

Thank you for grill salmon.next time nak lagi!!!
Not to say in good but still manageable i could control my longing to someone, when spoke to someone that really closed to me looks like lil dying (best words kot because he is so sick)

What else that you can do when your friend is fighting to rid of sakit? And this is seldom happened and definitely you akan jadi sangat risau and lit bit kesian.

For me what i would do is :-

1) mengelamun and muka macam sedikit penyet - dah tak cun
2) over risau walaupun kawan saya itu masih okay lagi - kata closed mestilah risau
3) can i go now to visit and see how? - da answer is i cudnt since i masih time bekerja unless i request time off - what ever time off
4) seeking from the God supaya dia sehat and speeding recovery
5) last is sob sob sob - over emo katakan
6) Bulan said : hello hang dah kenapa nyer? - my answer could be : bulan oh bulan
7) sorry saya risau sebenarnye if my BFF sakit - kawan baik okies

This is what had happened to me over my Friday Lunch with Bulan and Kak Bintang.

Bulan i jeleous you can smile to da world with your cute besi on the gigi!!!

Muka tu jangan asyik frowning je FSI...

Was happened to me, when am not bringing my ID tag along to office.

Bro Gad : mana tag?
Me : i tertinggal
Bro Gad : owh mana boleh naik
Me : still wants me to reg though i am a staff here
Bro Gad : owh kena
Me : Dalam hati oit gila aku dah keje sini almost 4 years sengau, ko tuh baru aku nampak this year.

Naik atas mengadu to Kak Liza ... bla bla bla bla bla ...

Kak Liz : Ko lain kali naik lift lain jer, takyah hiraukan mereka
Me : saya jadi emo sebab this is my firts time ever kena mcm nih, and i went to leave my driving license at the front desk. bengang tau sebab i am not new here. Lift tu kalau every single minutes ada je kat bawah takpe. Ini kena more than 5 minutes or even worst lift penuh kena tunggu next turn. Suck!!!

Moral : Gantung jer lah all the times your ID card supaya tak kena macam saya. Hangin and spoilt kan mood di waktu pagi jer bila jadi macam nih. Be prepared all the times. Dont expect people recognised you all the times or at all places.

See am with pelawat TAG . i am safe sebab jerawat tak nampak sangat hehehe!
i do ingat i bought this with Zeeda and its about last year punye citer. But sampai sekarang xder pun pakai. Inilah yang di namakan over membeli tapi pakainya idak mana pun. Facial wash nye punye lah besaq beli ada jugak parking baik dalam bathroom.

So dari duk menempek dalam bilik better i pass this to ibu to try on her face. Vitamin E should masuk with any skin. Doesnt have side effect yang teruk kot. In fact bagi lembut lagi muka kita dan tak suram.

I interested to try this because of the ramuan is ada Vitamin E and Rosehip Oil. Masa dengar rosehip oil macam blur jugak apa benda nih unti oit. So sharing here with korang what is all about on Rosehip Oil dan jugak Vitamin E kat dalam memana beauty product if korang tak berapa tahu sangat.

Vitamin E for skin, Infos: Google Web
2)regulator for vitamin a
3)anti aging
4)sun protection and sun burn treatment
5)treatment for skin diseases
6)treatment of scars
7)skin cancer
8)to improve moisturization, softness, smoothness
9)preventing water loss

Rosehip Oil for skin, Infos : Google Web
1) vitamin c
2) anti aging
3)fatty acids
4)good for scars / acne scar
5)skin burns / sun burn
6)repair damaged skin cells
7)reduce wrinkles
8)benefit for dry, mature
9)restores normal skin colour

Pls ingat it beneficial if kita dapat pure rose hip oil and masage it 2 or 3 drops kat area yang affected. Cuma kalau dalam facial wash / cleanser silalah tengok berapa dia letak. Tapi paling arif kita boleh refer to the product consultants. Otherwise before go and buy we kena buat research then xder lah dengar jer bila consultant duk citer bagai. Tak semestinya dia tahu sumer benda.
Summer / Spring for 2011 clothing come again and wish everyone sempat to buy and be one of your wardrobe collections why not girl? That must be interesting line to cuba so dont miss it to try it on our body and walk thru for this year with big smiles.

Some pictures that i took randomly from Cosmopolitan on their review of few collections for dis month issue, it might help us.

mrs beckam is alway snoe whats da trend is and fit its petite body

Kim u always be an idol when comes to fashion

i want to get dis skirt, suka the pleats - MNG

Bersama sama kluar mencari sewing machine with ABMA for our ease to sew the baju kurung dan turut serta in our mission is lil monster Afil Adi.

Nak jadi cerita we found da kedai after AB met with da Indian Guy known as Ganish which is coicidently jumpa masa dia duk hantar barang to his customer. So AB menelefonnye and he  came to usher us to his tokey kedai when we reached Sentul. It was located in BB Sentul and in front of Tamil school.

aksi baik sebelum tangkap leleh

whats that huh? so pls dong answer that. yes apa yang nak dimaksudkan here is my experience bila hari ketiadaan bos di sisi kerana out station di luar daerah.Can i put as boss-less?

Puas hati. Bila tiada disisi maknanya pelbagai kerja dapat di make it without any distractions or doubt. i love this period of timez. So what i do is as listed below:

1) i can finish my outstanding tasks tanpa ragu ragu
2) i can chat and update my status or even commenting as well
3) ada juga ganguan dari persekitaran which is " can u help me pls?"
4) Put earphone to telinga and listening to MIX FM
5) Banyak gossip dapat dibaca thru laman sasawang
6) Gelak sekuat rasa
7) No need to pening kepala to attend to benda benda yang membosankan
8) Take picture sendiri dengan senang hati 
9) Buat side income 
10) Call kekawan tercinta atau mama tanya apa apa je la
11) Jalan kaki ayam di dalam ofis tanpa segan silu
12) Pakai simple simple dan kasual - perghhh lega no shirts at all

ambik gambar tanpa masalah dgn my own hand
put earphone to telinga

muncung sesuka suki

Anyone yang mengalami mode boss-less sila lah bagi your comments or story with me here. i juga ingin mengetahu apa lagi aktiviti bagus yang dapat dilaksanakan bersama ketika boss-less.
Do you have any problem when wearing high heels type of shoes? If me yes absolutely my kaki akan lenguh and cramp. And even i can't sleep well ard nite becos of the keinginan bergaya yang menyebabkan am pushing my knee and kaki to be cantik and tall.

From my reading in neswpaper said :

           a) pls wear it only for 2 to 3 hours and then rest your kaki
          b) inch of shoes must not be than 3 inch

So please dont presure your kaki or knee for this. We want to use lama lagi kan. Sila sayang kaki anda. I got some ballerina pics to share. Mana tahu korang suka with the design then u can order straight from them. Not from me!!!

Picture source : Google
Address : prettyballerinas.com

Rita 1

Rita 2 - ada mulut and guitar

This is not bunga i guess

mcm snake skin?some might afraid of this

kiss me baby

Goal Goal Goal

Fossil brand


10 jari kaki

mata ular ke ni?

sedih vs gembira

i dont even noe about this festive in Sg Wang. Da only reason i want to be in SGW is bcos am looking for printing shop. Plus cuci mata terus shopping some clothes for office wear. Its been awhile am not buying clothes from here. Dah sesak so dtglah sini. Hehehe. Whatever it is the pricing really never upset me. U can get 1 cantik cloth for bout 10 ringgit.

We get stucked in the SGW because of heavy rain then decided to stop ard Pak Hailam Kopitiam to get some hot drinks. When finished the talks over the hot coffee then we start our walking in SGW. OMG why so many budak kat depan stage.What u waiting for? Duchhh apa ni bising bangat from the crowd rupanya artis pujaan performing their songs in front. Tak paham okay in Chinese loghat.

Go to Level 3 looking for the printing shop. Yes founded after Zeeda bertanya. Tak tanya lost jalan lah kami. Urmmm thank you Mr.CC u gave me a discount from 50 cent 1 page drop to 30 sent 1 page selepas mendengar kesedihan budget kami.

        MIZZSAL : Sugar mahal sekarang tau Mr.CC. Pls.
        Mr.CC    : Oteilah u pakai pc i charge 3 linggit and plinting 30 sen.
        MIZZSAL : Yahoo. Terima Kasih. Amboi seksi nye pompuan dlm game ko.Gulp.
        Moral     : Jangan malu malu mintak diskaun kalau budget dlm handbag cm sesak je!

sume kena take away

so spicy WTH

Tengah godek apa tah

Free foods to try

my photo

my photo


i think you are pretty special




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