I bought da Cleo yesterday and found so many interesting article that relates to my life. One of it is about Girl Code. Yes agreed to Cleo we must safeguard our relationship/friendship IF we want to make sure/keep our friendship lasting forever and ever.
model untuk dis topic!
Ladies/Guys jom follow below from Cleo:
1) Steal your bestie's guy
huh jangan sesekali korang buat ini hal weiiii.memang sah sah bff korang heatbroken habis.
2) Neglect ur BFF for your new boyfriend
mentang mentang ada guy korang lupakan bff.dont do that. make them feels needed and
important. cuba cuba bahagikan masa.walau xley jumpe kenalah call or sms.itupun dah
menghappykan bff.
3)be brutally honest
kekadang bff talks to much, but actually shes trying to get the truth bila story kat korang. so kalau korang rasa tak betul just in nice way say Nope.
4)bad mouth your bestie
dhlah bff pastu cakap belakang/mengata and bitching about her. supposedly korang kenala bagi support or betulkan apa yang xbetul.
aku xphm pulak word kat atas ni. copy terus "learn to love da qualities dat make her special n celebrate dem rather trying to outdo dem-by setting dis tone she will trust u and love the best in u as well"
6)go out with good friend
kalau korang kluar with kwn yang di introduce oleh bff jgnlah bila next meeting korang exclude namanya. just be a gang and get along together.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.