Life together for this week goes to bride of Zetty and Sharoo (my ex boarding skool). I cant recall about him masa skool but i noticed he is quite person and very clever sbb yes result dia lagi power kot than me!!!
Attending the reception ard Dewan Melati Putrajaya with Kinz, Peng and Tajul. I got to knowing the majlis is from Kinz as he got the official invitation from the couple. Then Peng bbm me while my mum and i on shopping of groceries ard Tesco Ampang very closed to our residential. In rushing xsempat to blow and cut my fringe hair which is i think its getting buruk! Even i have been waiting for about 10 mnts in da saloon for my turn, ended with i off for home. There is only one customer colouring her hair and why i should wasting my time for more than 10mnts. Asked me to come after 15mnts. Goodbye jer lah.
So the plan is Peng will go and pick up anak dara Tajul ard Equine Seri Kembang while Kinz dengan baik hati give me a ride with his yellow GF. Peng lama betul poi pick up anak dara aishhh i n kinz kena melepak kat Papa Rich CyberJaya before we sesama go to majlis. Sori not Mamaking this time i just want the cozy place before heading to hall.
opsss salah posisi
Peng : suci nye kami
anak dara
anak dara dan teruna hakhakak!
Kinz is losing his weight bout 30kg!
so amazing he can do that.Well done.
all of us. anak dara sorang lagi MIA.
U guys look sweet when both smiling!
jejaka hensem i think i used to be same class tapi form berapa je lupa
4 of us - paling lama i not seing each other is Tajul
zamm u kurus sikit than before
so korang bila huh?
Doa from me to Sharoo and Zetty hoping u guys will happy ending.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.