28 November 2012 i am free from my daily works just get the key and start our destinations with bestest pilot from KL-Malacca-Sepang and Shah Alam is where our last point.
We dropped ard Seremban R&R for having our breakfast first lapar jugak without anything in my jelly belly!
No wonder i tak tido i drank mocha tak silap!
Berterabur semua rambut ishhh beramai-ramai rambut ni buli kejam!
hahaha sepatutnya ini sebelum rambut berterabur!
Alamak ada abg yang posing pulak!
best jgk melepak kt bawah tuh tapi sume org lar pandang jawabnya!
asal mcm sadis je kolam nie? i know why it becomes attractive if ramai yg berjemur!
sat kena posing dulu!
berminyak nye aku rasa kan!
Found love garden!
remind me to my late grandfather as he was originally frm here!Al fatihah.
aMBOII jugak nie!
Lunch ard Golfer's Terrace House
urmm KL-JB is more attractive than da dolphin!
oky peace bubye!
belacan gatal hidung saya
Another feymes signature of malacca is cencalok Thanks to pilot, rj, paul and ch. Lets we catch up another time for the teh tarik. Have good days ahead to everyone.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.