28 November 2012 i am free from my daily works just get the key and start our destinations with bestest pilot from KL-Malacca-Sepang and Shah Alam is where our last point.

We dropped ard Seremban R&R for having our breakfast first lapar jugak without anything in my jelly belly!

No wonder i tak tido i drank mocha tak silap!

Berterabur semua rambut ishhh beramai-ramai rambut ni buli kejam!

hahaha sepatutnya ini sebelum rambut berterabur!

Alamak ada abg yang posing pulak!

best jgk melepak kt bawah tuh tapi sume org lar pandang jawabnya!

asal mcm sadis je kolam nie? i know why it becomes attractive if ramai yg berjemur!

sat kena posing dulu!

berminyak nye aku rasa kan!

Found love garden!

remind me to my late grandfather as he was originally frm here!Al fatihah.


aMBOII jugak nie!

Lunch ard Golfer's Terrace House

urmm KL-JB is more attractive than da dolphin!

oky peace bubye!

belacan gatal hidung saya

Another feymes signature of malacca is cencalok

Thanks to pilot, rj, paul and ch.
Lets we catch up another time for the teh tarik. Have good days ahead to everyone.

I was attended with my 2 siblings who very excited to go as their friend listed in Top 23 for the Hero Remaja 2012. Great job Faiz!
Finalist a.k.a Top 23
2 of us
Cooly and sempoi jer for today. I think the high heel is gorgeous to sarung peeps.
A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.

Sunday morning commence with my jatuh cintak pada evoque damn gorgeous tidakkk.Day dreaming lagi. Just sharing my obsession to the world. Mana tau dapat kunci hehehe!

Hey dudes! Its been awhile or mmg lame pun x bukak gobok.
I got 3 differ colours to let go. Anyone interested pls pm thanks.



3rd - da whole dress

i was so jealous with Kids sekarang.why???? bcos byk betul tmpt hot and so menarik for the Kids to explore it. dolu kala takdop pun. Kitaorang main pasir jer okay ard our house itupun if dapat peluang keluar main-main.Ouch my mom is totally weird tak happy bila we ols nak keluar and play with frens. Bagai alasan akan diberikan dan terpaksalah mendengar mukadimah panjang sebelum dapat jumpa kekawan.

Anyway bila time umuq macam ni baru dapat merasa masuk tempat bebudak main yang sangat organise and in fact you can choose whatever you want to be or play. Moreover kids ni boleh get paid bila they done any works sucessfully. Nak jadi host kt konti pun boleh dirasai sepanjang berada di sini. 

Lets we take a look on the photos dat i managed to get from my colleagues since my handphone tetiba flat battery xley nak catch the pics. Masalah senantiasa yang di face every time nak take da pics. Peace!

Overexcited dpt masuk sini!

we ard departure hall peeps

wat am trying to clarify nie?

hows weather today miss?hehehe.

lar api sila sembur hahaha!

takut nye nanti my gigi kena cabut kakak!

Look at dat!

sah-sah zaman muda remaja lukisan gue selalu score c or d je!

wall climbing and i do remember da last time i had dis was in 2000!

xsmpai hajat nak jadi hakim!kat sini pun jadilar!

hi abang police!

comei jer i ngan aizan!

Pics to be uploaded later.

my photo

my photo


i think you are pretty special




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