i punye pelembab dah habis so wanna find one suitable with my skin. Paling penting i want my skin nampak sehat and bukannye tak bermaya. i was not born as gebu girl so what else that i can say here.Nampak sehat sudah lah.
Alang alang dah cari pelembab baru why not i change all for skincare. Terus pi Clinique sbb yang lelain tu macam for time being tak menarik perhatian i lagi. Maybe later i can try them. Lagipun Clinique is affordable for me and totally tested.
session with Yosy kt KLCC
so here are mine
Cik BFF sibuk pasal cream mata dia!
amboi cheq sabor
si chubby stick baru launch tapi boleh out of stock kt sini!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
haha what a coincidence! saya pun tengah timbang2 nak try clinique blemish solutions tapi ummi cam tak setuju sebab dulu, dulu, dulu dia pakai, dia rasa clinique punya toner cam banyak alkohol, pedih muka... but i bet they've improvised the formula :)
yes wats a coicidence kan intention tu sama.i dah use it for bout 3 weeks kot n rasa mcm biasa je bcos am looking for cleanser yg normal je not whitening or so watever. toner dia yes mcm kuat kalau terkena mata mmg pedih la.