Orite! Owhcayss! Alright! Fine mum i m coming out from your tummy!!! See me mom? I dah grew so fast and i know you love me. Blurp perasan benor!!!! Hehehehe.
Source : Google Web
I WISH that this cutie ada during my intimate lunch tapi takde pun.
Closed friends texted me :-
" Hello i am so far from you but i will fly just to say Hepi Besday " - Gemok/Sponge Bob
" Wani Happy Birthday!!Take Care..(: " - Yo
" Semekom, happy birthday wani " - Kak Gee my tea lady
" Happy birthday dear. May your life be fulfilling n meaningful always " - Abang
" Mak cik morning, hehe bagi bunga by hand boleh ke or nak post jugak "- Aireen
" Happy birthday wani "- Kak Bintang
" Babe sory happy birthday may your year a loads of fun excitement and .... " - Zeeda
Julie bought this for me!
awat macam terpaksa je nih!
Remember that today many people are glad you were born .
Okay tak lepaskan peluang outing with my closed friend which is like a brother to me and we had our lunch together.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.