Not to say in good but still manageable i could control my longing to someone, when spoke to someone that really closed to me looks like lil dying (best words kot because he is so sick)
What else that you can do when your friend is fighting to rid of sakit? And this is seldom happened and definitely you akan jadi sangat risau and lit bit kesian.
For me what i would do is :-
1) mengelamun and muka macam sedikit penyet - dah tak cun 2) over risau walaupun kawan saya itu masih okay lagi - kata closed mestilah risau 3) can i go now to visit and see how? - da answer is i cudnt since i masih time bekerja unless i request time off - what ever time off 4) seeking from the God supaya dia sehat and speeding recovery 5) last is sob sob sob - over emo katakan 6) Bulan said : hello hang dah kenapa nyer? - my answer could be : bulan oh bulan 7) sorry saya risau sebenarnye if my BFF sakit - kawan baik okies
This is what had happened to me over my Friday Lunch with Bulan and Kak Bintang.
Bulan i jeleous you can smile to da world with your cute besi on the gigi!!!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.